Empire: USD Gold Silver Short Term/ Long Term Tech Read 10.16.12

For those of you keen to or know. Precious Metals prices came down today after having essentially seen uninterrupted gains over the past few months since June. Ultimately (from what the research & charts show) this was down to technical selling based on stop losses being hit. For those of you unfamiliar with this its when a trade is placed & a determined level based on a percentage of risk the person placing the trade is willing to take in the interest of seeing the markets go higher. If the level/s get hit to the downside the position is immediately cut out of the market. If enough of them happen then a dip is usually the result like we've seen today.

It was said somewhere that the USD is supposedly gaining in strength, the reality again based on the charts & the fact that QE3/Infinity  (Click to view)  or the open ended/ no limit round of QE the US Fed reserve has embarked on which is also said to outlast Ben Bernanke's stay in office, says otherwise.
As we at EPM & many others see it, we should embrace these relatively lower prices (when compared to $1780 Gold/ 35.20 Silver) as a buying opportunity!

Remember EPM offers the lowest Commissions of only 4% & Spreads of only .25 to 1% over cost! 
(Compared to 10 to 25% Comm & 5 to 10% Spread with other companies)
If you were looking for an opening to get more for your money now would be the time in our opinion & we would definitely be more then happy to assist you! 

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