ABC VIDEO: Stories of People Republican Trump Care will Kill

Contact your states Senator Tell them what you think: (ALOT)

Senators of the 115th Congress

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HP: Key Republicans Abandoning Trump Care Vote  “There’s no way we should be voting on [the bill] this next week, no way,”

NBC VIDEO: Who will Republican TrumpCare hurt ? Meet Michael Phillips, who has spinal muscular atrophy and whose Life Literally depends on Medicaid, shares his fears about what Medicaid cuts

Watch the remarkable full interview with Ari Melber:

AP (Copy of actual Bill): Senate Republicans have released a 142-page draft bill Cutting & Attempting to Destroy Affordable Care Act. The measure would cut and revamp Medicaid & health care program for lower-income and disabled people while giving Tax Cuts to the Wealthy #ACAKillBill

Read the Full Text of the Bill

Bloomberg: Republicans taking advantage of Russian Investigation as Smoke Screen to Covertly & Intentionally Hide New Affordable Care Act Repeal to Avoid Scrutiny of Law Makers & Public who are Outraged #TrumpCare 

H.R.1628 - American Health Care Act of 2017

'The House bill, H.R. 1628, would cut Medicaid by $834 billion over 10 years, repeal $664 billion of Obamacare’s tax increases on the wealthy and the health-care industry, and end requirements that individuals get health insurance and that most employers provide it. The measure would replace Obamacare subsidies with tax credits based primarily on age, and let states get waivers from some of the Affordable Care Act’s consumer protections.'
TS: CBO estimates that under Republican Healthcare plan 51 million People will have no Functional Health Insurance

MSN Money: White House Budget Plan Will Increase National Deficit by 1.3 Trillion & Severely Flawed from Simple Math perspective; You cant use the same Money Twice!

PBS: 24 Million Americans Expected To Loose Insurance Under Republican 'TrumpCare' plan, new report says

Forbes: Over 15 Million Americans Would Be Dropped From Health Coverage Under Intended Republican 'TrumpCare' Plan

HP VIDEO: 'Trumpcare' Replacement for Affordable Care Act Fails To Meet Hype
'Continuous Coverage Incentive: The bill also includes a requirement that insurers charge a 30% penalty on any individual who had a lapse in coverage of over two months at any point in the 12 months prior to starting a new insurance policy. Some may describe this provision as akin to the individual mandate, though, to be clear, it does not require an individual to purchase insurance. Rather, it penalizes anyone who chose not to do so, but later decides to purchase, and allows insures to keep the funds from such penalties.'

GQ: Paul Ryan's Obamacare Alternative Is Here, and It Doesn't Even Pretend to Care About Poor People

PBS: VIDEO WATCH LIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and other House Republicans hold a news conference to discuss a GOP-proposed bill to overhaul the Affordable Care Act.


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